There were some good characters in the coffee shop today.
We were graced by the presence of Jesus' stunt double, complete with some holiness, or at least holier than thou, attitude. This guy does the torture and naked butt scenes.

This mullet wearing dolt looked like he was close to Capital Punishment Dumb.
(IQ is so low that the person cannot be convicted of a capital crime.)

And, I was so happy to see the
appearance from Uncle Pervie.
What would fear be without Uncle Pervie to remind me of the worse possible outcomes.
Then, when all was lost, a yummy mummy in tight stretch pants, with her back to me, bent at the waist and pulled something from her stroller. This whole process tool about 10 minutes and was a grand show that I do not think I could have paid to get.

Ms. Buns did have a cute St. Bernard puppy. Awwww....